Monday, September 20, 2010

Our Family Summer-Saskatchewan Photographer

Water fight while camping with the Stieb's...instigated by my SIL!!!

Beautiful Alberta skies!!

Miss D on the beach.

Kids' running to make sure they don't miss getting ice cream.

Camping with the Stieb Family at Nestlin Lake, Sask. Ice Cream store made it on Dezi's face!!

Best Buddies! Miss D and her cousin Miss D...they are definately two peas in a pod. They were together for about 10 days altogether and maybe disagreed on things twice, but no real out-and-out fights...they sooo love each other!

Our new batch of laying hens...

They pose's a few of Deziree. Of course, she is so serious!

Making a birthday cake for Rayden...he thought the swirls looked like a face!

Kids' fishing derby at Winagami..good times!! Well, it has to be thought of as good times when you don't catch anything :~}

Camping at Winagami Lake...Dezi trying her bike...she wasn't interested at all in her bike last year.

Ray's funky hair!

Gordie & I went to the Street Performers Festival in Edm. Quite a fluke thing...we had just finished dropping the kids off with my SIL and we decided to try and 'get lost' in Edm. Well it didn't work and we ended up finding out that there was this festival...I would definately check it out for us and the kids for next year!

Sometimes we like to go for a drive on a Sunday we drove out to some of our fields and I snapped pics of Miss D...she rarely poses for me so this is a special occasion.

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