Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Cloutier Family- Falher & Smoky River Region Family Photographer

I first met these clients when they asked me to do their wedding, what? 6 years or so ago? Wow, time flies! Here is your sneak-peek Heather and Ron, enjoy! Thanks for looking!

'A' (who was just a baby back then) is turning into quite a young lady and so beautiful! She is the mothering type who is very tender and cares for her siblings.

'Z' is so full of life and wanted so badly to show me her flowers in her playhouse :) She is growing up too soon as well!

Mr. M stole the show and just like any other toddler, could've cared less what we wanted to do. He was doing his own thing and going his own way. This makes for great pictures because he wasn't even aware of the camera. Too cute!

This is my all-time favorite of this photo shoot! So carefree! Love it!

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