Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hot Mammas-Sneak Peak #1

OK, this was the most fun I've had at a photo session in a long time! I wanted to practice my off camera flash so me and some 'playgroup mom's' went out to one of their fields where they have a 'car cemetary'. We brought our ipods and some beverages and then went hot-tubbing afterwards...needless to say we had a lot of laughs! Thank you so much for being my guinea are the most beautiful guinea pigs I've ever seen!

These women are GORGEOUS (aren't you girls?) Every woman needs to do a 'I'm Gorgeous' Photo Session once in their life. This is the first sneak peak, I'm hoping to get the rest done by the end of the week.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite is #1 she looks so relaxed :) Great posing!!!
